Your business is successful. You have done well domestically. There comes a point in your manufacturing business venture that you wonder if expanding overseas is a good idea. Hot markets like China, India, or Brazil seem like the reasonable next step. After all, there’s plenty of companies who do and they are thriving. You want a piece of that, but before you do, there are five questions you should ask yourself before deciding to manufacture overseas.
What is the Risk of Manufacturing Overseas and How Can I Find a Reliable Manufacturer?
With anything business-related, there is a risk. Especially when it comes to manufacturing overseas. Some risks could include poor product quality, high transportation costs, lack of control, and increased time to market. Most of these risks come with not hooking up with a reliable manufacturer. With Supermelon.com, you help minimize the risk of all the items above. Supermelon can help you expand your business and trust that everything is in good hands.
Do I Understand Culture Overseas?
According to the chief executive of Avan gate in Redwood City, California, some countries will expect a company to adapt to the culture of the country that you are in. If you are planning on expanding your manufacturing business overseas, you will have to do research on the region where you’re planning to manufacture your products. Not only should you look to adapt to the culture, but you should also look to understand the nature of sales in the area you’re locating to. For example, if you choose to the manufacturer in china you should know that face to face communication and long term relationship are very important to your success there.
Will I Really Be Able to Communicate with My Manufacturers?
If you are looking to move your manufacturing to countries like China or India, you will most likely need to learn some of the languages in order to communicate better. The good thing, though; with countries like these are that because they do so much international business, English is a language often spoken in Chinese and Indian corporations. If you are worried, though; a translator could be someone you look to invest in. Supermelon.com has representatives that speak over 20 languages, making it the perfect solution to your potential communication worries.
How Will I Handle All the Shipping and Customs?
Familiarizing yourself with a country’s tariff codes is essential to manufacturing overseas, especially from a country like China. There will be research involved in order to know how to handle shipping and customs. It is true that if you do not account for duty fees and other taxes that you will affect your competitiveness in your market, but with lawyers and endless resources online, you can find the answers for anything. There’s no need to be nervous over shipping and customs, as long as you don’t cut corners when it comes to planning for manufacturing overseas.
Is Overseas Expansion Worth It?
Due to production and shipping potentially taking a long time, you could be asking yourself if manufacturing abroad is really worth it? While you have to look at the negatives in order to realistically decide if this is the right step for you, there’s no need for despair. There are certainly risks when it comes to this step in your business, but it is possible to run an overseas manufacturer and be successful at it. With the help of Supermelon.com and other online resources, you can grow your business with ease.